The story of 15 Second Copy for the C-64
The story of 15 Second Copy for the C-64 2011-07-18 by Michael Steil by Mike Pall , published with permission. [This is a follow-up to Thomas Tempelmann’s Story of FCopy for the C-64 .] Ok, I have to make a confession … more than 25 years late: I’ve reverse-engineered Thomas Tempelmann’s code, added various improvements and spread them around. I guess I’m at least partially responsible for the slew of fast-loaders, fast-copys etc. that circulated in the German C64 scene and beyond. Uh, oh … I’ve only published AFLG (auto-fast-loader-generator) under my real name in the German “RUN” magazine. It owes quite a bit to TT’s original ideas. I guess I have to apologize to Thomas for not giving proper credit. But back then in the 80’s, intellectual property matters wasn’t exactly something a kid like me was overly concerned with. Later on, everyone was soldering parallel-transfer cables to the VIA #1 of the 1541 and plugging them into the C64 userport. This ...